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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.


Dirt Transmitter Legacy Reissue

Fuzz Driver

Dirt Transmitter™ Legacy Reissue
Fuzz Driver


International Customers: Check with your local dealer for availability.

Limited to 1000 units worldwide. Originally created as the third in a very long line of EarthQuaker Devices fuzz pedals, this early circuit went on to become regarded as one of Jamie Stillman’s best and most interesting fuzz creations. Used for years by your favorite musicians and a cult following of Dirt Transmitter fanatics, this effect has been out of EQD’s lineup for some time … until now! Laid out simply with four knobs: Level, Fuzz, Tone, and Bias, this thing is easy to use, and you’d be hard pressed to find a setting that doesn’t totally rip. So put away that hand sanitizer and dig into this gloriously dirty tone.

The secret sauce, or magic jus, if you will, of this pedal lies in its rare silicon transistors that offer a gritty top end response and more gain than typical germanium transistors. This enables a biting edge with a rounder tone that doesn’t go overboard with high end distortion. You can dial it in to be gain-heavy and leave it on as your permanent tone for a killer sonic vibe. It can also give you a wider range that goes from overdrive to fuzz without being too loose. That’s the power of silicon right there.




Fuzz: Clockwise for heavier tones, counterclockwise for lighter tones.

Tone: Clockwise for a brighter, more cutting tone, counterclockwise to roll off top end for more mellow tones.

Bias: This is the heart of the Dirt Transmitter, where all of its voices can be found. It affects the voltage to the transistors which will create more gated Velcro® fuzz tones counterclockwise and thicker, natural fuzz tones clockwise. It is “properly biased” at 5 o’clock.

Level: Clockwise for more, counterclockwise for less.

Audio Samples


  • Dimensions

    4.65 x 3.65 x 2.25 in. (118 x 93 x 57 mm) with knobs

    Current Draw

    3 mA

    Input Impedance

    500 kΩ

    Output Impedance

    100 Ω

    Flexi-Switch® Technology

    This device features Flexi-Switch® Technology! This relay-based, true bypass switching style allows you to simultaneously use momentary and latching style switching.

    • For standard latching operation: tap the footswitch once to activate the effect and then tap again to bypass.

    • For momentary operation: hold the footswitch down for as long as you’d like to use the effect. Once you release the switch the effect will be bypassed.

    Since the switching is relay-based, it requires power to pass signal.


    This device takes a standard 9 volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. We always recommend pedal-specific, transformer-isolated wall-wart power supplies or multiple isolated-output supplies. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching-type power supplies, daisy chains and non-pedal specific power supplies do not filter dirty power as well and let through unwanted noise. DO NOT RUN AT HIGHER VOLTAGES!

  • All our devices come with a limited lifetime warranty. If it breaks, we will fix it. Should you encounter any issues, please visit