The Depths Analog Optical Vibe Machine — EarthQuaker Devices


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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.


The Depths

Creates a lush, phasing pulse which delivers a three-dimensional swirling sound


The Depths®
Analog Optical Vibe Machine

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The Depths is our take on the classic optical vibe circuit. Now you can swab the decks with the same lush, pulsating, three-dimensional swirling sound you know and love, with some modern accouterments for all you land-lubbers out there.

The Depths is optimized for use with all kinds of instruments, pickups, and to play well with dirt, so nobody’s left waiting on shore. If it’s got a ¼” output, plug it in and get deep!



1. Intensity: This controls how subtle or intense the overall effect is. Counterclockwise from noon are the more subtle, classic sounds. Clockwise from noon are the more drastic and intense sounds.

2. Voice: Dials in the overall sound. Turn it clockwise for a fuller sound with more lows, bring it back for a thinner, more midrange focused tone.

3. Rate: Controls the speed of the effect. Counterclockwise for slow, clockwise for fast.

4. Level: Controls the volume of the effect. Unity is around 1 o’clock, everything above that is boost.

5. Throb: This controls the low end pulse. It may not be immediately evident on the bridge pickup, but switch to the neck or add some dirt and it comes alive. All the way up for more throb, dial it back for less. Works best when the Voice is set to a warmer tone.

Suggested Settings

“Classic” Vibe Sound Run at 9v, Rate and Level set to taste. All the controls are highly interactive with each other, so experiment to find your tone!

“Classic” Vibe Sound
Run at 9v, Rate and Level set to taste. All the controls are highly interactive with each other, so experiment to find your tone!

Dripping Wax Chords and lines slowly drip and collect into shapes and colors of psychedelic meditation.

Dripping Wax
Chords and lines slowly drip and collect into shapes and colors of psychedelic meditation.

Rotating Speakers Jangle and shuffle those dominant 7th chords. Goes great with your favorite bourbon.

Rotating Speakers
Jangle and shuffle those dominant 7th chords. Goes great with your favorite bourbon.

Smoke Filled Room Hey man ... what? Right on. Dig...

Smoke Filled Room
Hey man ... what? Right on. Dig...

Audio Samples


Voice Knob Shapes
Fender Jazzmaster
Rotary Speaker
Fender Jazzmaster


Darkness (Throb Emphasis)
Fender Rhodes
Grove Squeezer
Fender Rhodes
Photocell Morning
Fender Rhodes
Those "Joe Golden" Days
Fender Rhodes
Car Wash Romance