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350 West Bowery Street
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Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.

Board To Death Ep. 4: CHON (pt. 1) - Mario Camarena

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Board To Death Ep. 4: CHON (pt. 1) - Mario Camarena

Aaron Rogers

The Warden compression pedal . . . is kinda like, crucial to our tone,” says CHON guitarist Mario Camarena.

We met up with Mario prior to CHON’s incredible sold-out performance at Cleveland’s legendary Agora Ballroom to learn how his pedalboard has leveled-up from having only three pedals, to the final boss-worthy behemoth it is today.

While CHON’s catchy math rock is performed with precision, Mario’s approach to modulation effects is relatively laissez faire. “I just kinda throw [modulation effects] on randomly throughout the set,” he says, pointing towards his Grand Orbiter and Hummingbird.

Rounding out Mario’s effects chain are an Arrows boost “for solos,” the Spatial Delivery envelope filter, which he sets “to sound like Thundercat,” and the Avalanche Run, for a “trippy delay.”

CHON’s Homey is out now on Sumerian Records.