Rainbow Machine: Retrospective
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Say what you will about the Rainbow Machine, you have to admit this crazy magic bubblegum box has made a big impact on people’s pedalboards.
“It just does that THING that nothing else kinda does.”
Since entering our world at the end of the first decade of this century, the Rainbow Machine has turned more than a few heads with its bizarre and captivating trademark sounds. Just as many heads turn when people find out how useable and practical it actually is.
“It’s not a one trick pony. It’s the exact opposite of a one trick pony.”
Take a trip over the rainbow into the mind of the creator of this somewhat misunderstood musical contraption, as Jamie Stillman shares some historical anecdotes. He even invited some friends. If you have ever been confused or disgusted by this device, you are in good company. Hear what many musicians have to say about one of our most versatile, often vile, and shockingly beautiful sounding devices to date. You might even learn a new way to implement the Rainbow Machine into your effects arsenal.
“It’s just such a distinct sound but it’s cool that it has so many applications.”