Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 28 - Bobb Bruno (Best Coast) — EarthQuaker Devices


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Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 28 - Bobb Bruno (Best Coast)

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Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 28 - Bobb Bruno (Best Coast)

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If this episode of SUYJ! doesn't stoke you out, nothing will. Bobb Bruno plays all sorts of instruments and his gear collection reflects that. Heavily. There is stuff in his house that musicians revere and neighbors fear. Basically an entire wishlist of hard to finds, studio rarities, really rads, and just plain oddball music equipment. Amps that Nels Cline gave him to "hold on to" are in attendance as well as the complete Best Coast backline, some of which gets loaned out to friends in need. Feel free to drool at his stash of organically acquired effects pedals propped on the wall for utilitarian purposes only. Many of these were once not cool, and are now cool. Does that mean Bobb was cool before it was cool to be cool? Probably. Oh look, there's Elsa EarthQuaker, everyone's favorite pedal pup! Bobb is an honest collector who puts his junk to work. There are no untouchable mint museum pieces here, just real deal music equipment. Relatable? You can check out Bobb's music by listening to Kidbug's debut self-titled album, out on Joyful Noise 5/22/2020 and the recently released and super dreamy Best Coast "Always Tomorrow" full length on Concord Records. / /

Video: Vice Cooler

DP: Dalton Blanco