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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.

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Filtering by Tag: Berklee School of Music

Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 13 - Dan Joeright (Gatos Trail)

Aaron Rogers

If you’re opening a recording studio there are two things you should know:

  1. Location is everything.

  2. Great drum sounds are also everything.

Dan Joeright’s Gatos Trail Recording Studio in beautiful Yucca Valley, CA has both. Housed within an antique barn surrounded by spellbinding desert wilderness, Gatos Trail is a destination for artists like synth-pop phenomenon Twin Shadow, bass-and-drums bashers Big Business, noise rock brutalists Unsane, and nebulous post-punk group The Mekons…

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