Quadruple Bypass : The Four Most Common Bypass Types, Impedances, Buffers, and You
Lane Sparber
True bypass, buffered bypass, freeway bypass. What do those terms all mean and do they make one pedal better than another?
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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States
+1 330 252-9220
Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.
True bypass, buffered bypass, freeway bypass. What do those terms all mean and do they make one pedal better than another?
Read MoreFor this edition of "...for Noodlers," we're focusing on EarthQuaker Devices' latest stompbox sensation, the Special Cranker Overdrive!
Read MoreThere are countless options for power supplies, and they all have their features, advantages, and disadvantages. You should assess how many pedals you have with each of their voltage needs, polarity, and how much current they draw.
Read MorePhilly, Philly, Philly. Where do we even begin? Home to the Rocky statue, Liberty Bell, Hall & Oates, the Fresh Prince himself, cheesesteaks, and most importantly, two absolutely fantastic guitar shops - Russo Music and DiPinto Guitars.
Read MoreAre you new and interested in the world of signal modulation, but not quite sure where to start and what you need to for your sound? Well, EQD has got you covered with a new roundup and dive into our three excellent and versatile modulation pedals.
Read MoreFilmmaker, musician, and Northeast Ohio native son, Jim Jarmusch, shares a list of guitar players that he loves.
Read MoreWe've teamed up with Sweetwater (the world's leading music technology and instrument retailer) to show how well pedals work with synths and in electronic-based music and in-the-box productions.
Read Morei've compiled a list of the most common transgressions that will leave you with more enemies than friends when you finish the session.
Read MoreThrough the entirety of his three-decade career, bassist Brian Cook has made a name for himself by delivering brutal and powerfully effected tones while creating innovative music across heavy genres.
Read MoreOur newest fuzz is the Hizumitas, a simple three-knob wonder created in conjunction with Wata, guitarist of Boris. We’ve compiled a few audio clips to give you an idea of the range of sounds the Hizumitas can provide on guitar and bass.
Read MoreHawaiian singer-songwriter-mom Isabeau Waia’u Walker talks about her Mexican made Stratocaster, writing and performing authentic Hawaiian music that doesn’t fit the comfortable stereotypes.
Read MoreThe Afterneath has a bit of a reputation as an ambient player's dream or a tiny chaos machine, but if you only have space for one reverb on your pedalboard ... get a bigger pedalboard!
Read MoreFor all you Portlanders looking to cram another pedal onto your board, read on to see what makes these two shops so magical.
Read MoreWe asked Wata to share some of her favorite guitar players with us and she graciously agreed. Check out this list five of Wata’s favorite guitar slingers.
Read MoreThe Center for Applied Theatre and Active Culture will play host to “The Potential of Song,” a pair of Masterclasses for the performer led by Thomas Richards, theatre director, author and former Artistic Director of the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards in Pontedera, Italy.
Read MoreIs your playing in a rut? Are you looking for something to spark your creativity and experimentation? Dive in as we journey to the land of alternate tunings!
Read MoreRob Schnapf takes us through the wild mix of new and old gear at his Mant Studios
Read MoreAaron Espinoza discusses his early boombox overdub experiments, his favorite producers and mixers, how being self-taught is a challenging but rewarding road to take, and the importance of establishing and maintaining good relationships.
Read MoreOn March 5, the presumed disparate worlds of electronic effects and orchestral music will join forces for the world premiere of the EarthQuaker Symphony at E.J. Thomas Hall in downtown Akron.
Read MoreThis week we head to Kingsize Soundlabs to check out Dave Trumfio (Wilco, My Morning Jacket, Sia) and his wide and interesting array of junk.
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