Stephen O’Malley’s 5 + 1 Top Guitarists
Stephen O’Malley
Guitarist, producer, composer, and visual artist Stephen O’Malley reveals his 5 (+1 bonus) most influential guitarists.
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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States
+1 330 252-9220
Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.
Guitarist, producer, composer, and visual artist Stephen O’Malley reveals his 5 (+1 bonus) most influential guitarists.
Read MoreThe past few months whizzed by at lightning speed, but still we found time to listen to some incredibly good albums and tracks from artists we are proud to have in our little EarthQuaker family: Tear Dungeon, featuring Josh Merry from Sweet Spirit, JT’s Electrik Blackout (Akron strong!), Bill Nace, Royal Thunder, The Linda Lindas and Katie Harkin.
Read MoreFrom Vertigo composer Bernard Herrmann to jazz icon Miles Davis, check out the top 5 musicians that have influenced Greg Anderson of Sunn O))).
Read MoreLast month was - unsurprisingly - another banger for new releases from our incredible group of Artist Medallion Program members.
Read MoreWith a debut solo album on the way and the demand for his sideman and production magic greater than ever, this tone aficionado is diving deeper into unorthodox sounds than ever before.
Read MoreCheck out how these music creators use their EQD pedals and maybe you’ll inspired to stomp some new sounds with your stompboxes.
Read MoreDo you dig the blues? Would you like to get better at playing the blues? Learn some of the basics of this great American music form and the chord shapes needed to get that familiar bluesy sound under your licks.
Read MoreIf you're a regularly working and gigging musician you probably know how important an EQ or Boost can be to ensure your awesome sounds cut through or at least sit properly in any live mixing situation.
Read Moreit's Reba Meyers, guitarist of Code Orange, gives us an eclectic list of inspirational guitar players.
Read MoreKyle Ng was kind enough to answer a few questions about the Brain Dead ethos, his methods and inspirations, and why he digs the Ghost Echo Vintage Voice Reverb.
Read MoreDuring the pandemic, EQD Production Manager Jeff France built an amazing and amazingly complex basement wall-sized audio/visual/gear behemoth for a musical and video project. It features numerous pedals, mixers, samplers, and 11 televisions and VCRs. Yeah, really, VCRs!
Read MoreEQD has joined forces with Brain Dead, the L.A.-based creative studio, for an ultra-cool collaboration featuring a special, limited colorway of the Ghost Echo Vintage Voiced Reverb available NOW!
Read MoreOn Saturday, August 6, at EarthQuaker Devices headquarters in the heart of Akron, Ohio, your friendly pedal builders will play host to pedal lovers, gear heads, and all curious community members.
Read MoreOur latest list comes from guitarist Lzzy Hale, lead singer, and guitarist of Halestorm.
Read MoreWe're back with another look at an entire category of EQD pedals- octave and pitch. This category is perfect for the sonic adventurers and the knob tweakers looking to really weird out their signal and introduce different sounds into their music.
Read MoreThis unique Plumes is part of a fundraising campaign spearheaded by the organizing committee of the Firestone High School Class of 1972, who wanted to do more for their 50th reunion than simply have a good party.
Read MoreIf you like the bands in the music genre of shoegaze guitar, you will need lots of pedals to recreate the layers of sound.
Read MoreIt's time for another walkthrough focusing on a specific category of EarthQuaker Devices for you to chew on as you fill out your dream pedalboard with cool-sounding stompboxes.
Read MoreBlack Sabbath’s Tony Iommi is one of the Godfathers of heavy metal guitar and a rightfully celebrated Riff God. Though his signature tone is in his hands and his superior gear, we think we can steer any guitar player into near Iommie-esque levels of H.E.A.V.Y with just a few EQD pedals.
Read MoreWe polled a few of our in-house music makers to see what pedals they have on their pedalboards and in their home studios and how they use them.
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