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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.

Delay & Reverb

Is your signal just a tad dry? We’re on it. From spring and plate reverbs, to tape-like slapback, crystalline digital delays, or extraterrestrial soundscapes like a collect call from beyond the fourth dimension, there’s a Delay & Reverb Device to please purists and experimenters alike.
Your time is valuable, so if you want to spend days and weeks and months and years twiddlin’ knobs searching for the perfect modulated polyrhythmic multi-tap echo for your jazz odyssey, we’ll come along for the ride. If you just wanna set-it-and-forget-it, we get it. If you’re lookin’ to double your fun with assignable expression controls, stereo I/O, and tap tempo, we’re lock-step beside you.
From ooey-gooey analog echoes, early reflections like an infinite glitched-out orchestra pit warming up in a canyon at the bottom of another canyon inside a well, to ambient exploratorium machines that’ll open your third eye and set you free, our Delays & Reverbs are right on time

Delay & Reverb

Is your signal just a tad dry? We’re on it. From spring and plate reverbs, to tape-like slapback, crystalline digital delays, or extraterrestrial soundscapes like a collect call from beyond the fourth dimension, there’s a Delay & Reverb device to please purists and experimenters alike. Check out our side-by-side comparison of EQD reverb pedals.

Afterneath®Enhanced Otherworldly Reverberator$199.00


Enhanced Otherworldly Reverberator



Astral Destiny™

An Octal Octave Reverberation Odyssey


Avalanche Run™Stereo Reverb & Delay with Tap Tempo$299.00

Avalanche Run™

Stereo Reverb & Delay with Tap Tempo


Disaster Transport™ Legacy Reissue

The Original Delay Modulation Machine


Dispatch Master®Digital Delay & Reverb$199.00

Dispatch Master®

Digital Delay & Reverb


Ghost Echo™Vintage Voiced Reverb$179.00

Ghost Echo®

Vintage Voiced Reverb



Tri-Dimensional Reverberation Machine



Multi-Generational Time Reflection Device


Time Shadows™

Subharmonic Multi-Delay Resonator
