Retox — Blog Posts — EarthQuaker Devices


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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.

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Filtering by Tag: Retox

Board To Death Ep 16: Justin Pearson & Joey Karam (the Locust, Dead Cross, One Day As A Lion)

Aaron Rogers

“It’s not musical and I like that,” says Justin Pearson.

For more than a decade Justin Pearson (Dead Cross, Retox, Head Wound City) and Joey Karam (One Day as a Lion) have attacked eardrums and melted faces with their deconstructed avant-grindcore assault as members of the Locust. We recently met up with Justin and Joey at an undisclosed Los Angeles locale to concoct some Plague Soundscapes of our own…

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