Announcing the Mission Engineering EQD-1
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We are very excited to announce that Mission Engineering has created an EarthQuaker Devices Expression Pedal, the EQD-1!
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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States
+1 330 252-9220
Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.
We are very excited to announce that Mission Engineering has created an EarthQuaker Devices Expression Pedal, the EQD-1!
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Read MoreEver since I started playing guitar at 12 years old, I struggled to feel like I fit in. As a young woman, I didn’t see myself represented in music. All my musical peers were boys, and all my teachers were men.
Read MoreWhether you’re into epically melodic heavy rock, layers and layers of effect-drenched guitars and synths, atmospheric pop-punk emo, blazing guitar virtuosity, Sabbath-on-steroids British doom or outerspacey 60s garage swimming in a sea of righteous reverb - or, like, all of the above - we have something for you!
Read MoreBeing a huge admirer of players such as John McGeoch, Keith Levene, and Robert Smith, I like to have some form of modulation and/or chorus on almost all the time. This is also the case for distorted sounds. I’m almost always trying to do something to disfigure the sound.
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Read MoreIn this guest blog post, PLANT Group co-founder / executive director Austin Arrington talks about their upcoming exhibition at Brooklyn gallery The Locker Room, and interviews composers Jesse Serrano, Wicked Rio, and Jo3yott on working with EarthQuaker Devices to help compose a nature-based soundscape for the show.
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Read MoreWhile December is generally not a popular time for new music releases, last month’s lack of quantity was more than made up for in QUALITY.
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