Westwood — Blog Posts — EarthQuaker Devices


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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.

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Filtering by Tag: Westwood

Vaughn Stokes of Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats: Lighting Small Fires

Benjamin H. Smith

In a crowded field of bands, stoner, doom, psych, what have you, Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats have always stood out with their superior songcraft and production, at once heavy and melodic, classic and new.

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Olivia Jean: Detroit Queen, Nashville Scene

Guest User

A multi-instrumentalist who joined Third Man Records as a session player before launching her solo career, she seems to have it all. Not only does she play guitar, bass, drums and keys, she sings, writes each part of every song, and also self-produces.

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EarthQuaker Session: Celebration - "Armies and Leggies"

Aaron Rogers

Celebration takes the name to heart. They rarely perform live, but each show is, well, a celebration. There’s usually a theme, and the band enlists their friends to transform DIY venues into hand-built spectacles rivaling any stadium show…

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Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 17 - Kurt Ballou (Converge, God City Studio)

Aaron Rogers

“I’m interested in how a new tool can inspire a new artistic creation. When I get a new pedal, I’m like, ‘Oh wow! I can figure out what this thing does,’ and I spend all this time tweaking knobs [and] learning the pedal, but maybe in that process you come up with a new riff, and that riff becomes a new song, and then that song takes on a life of its own.”

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EarthQuaker Session: Stems - "Good Times"

Aaron Rogers

Akron’s goodtime indie-rockers Stems (featuring EQD wire wizard Justin Seeker on vocals and guitar) stopped by the studio to tear through this earworm of a track titled, appropriately enough, “Good Times…”

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EarthQuaker Session: Relaxer - "The Warlord"

Aaron Rogers

In addition to being the EarthQuaker Devices house band, Relaxer may very well be the world’s first (and only) “Passive Progressive” rock band. I don’t know what it means, either...

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