pedals — Blog Posts — EarthQuaker Devices


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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.

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Filtering by Tag: pedals

Dead Pedal Office

Malcolm X Abram

The Disaster Transport SR was originally introduced in 2013 following its smaller relatives the original Disaster Transport and the Disaster Transport JR which all hold a special place in the history of EarthQuaker Devices.

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Delicious Audio / Paolo DeGregorio

Malcolm X Abram

For enthusiasts and musicians who prefer a one-stop stompbox search shop, Delicious Audio may be just what you’re looking for.

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How singer-songwriter-violinist-producer Sudan Archives uses EQD effects pedals to expand the sound of her songs and music.

Malcolm X Abram

Along with her love of the violin, Archives confesses to being a collector of instruments and a growing effects pedal board that includes several EarthQuaker Devices.

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Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 14 - Ross Robinson (KoRn, Slipknot, At the Drive In)

Aaron Rogers

Producer Ross Robinson brings life to the dead. Dubbed the “godfather of nü-metal,” his raw, unvarnished production on albums by KoЯn, Slipknot, and Sepultura redefined heavy metal by stripping away the glitz and glamour of hair bands still partying on the Sunset Strip in favor of a new sound marked by anger, intensity, and honesty…

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Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 12 - Vox Recording Studios

Aaron Rogers

“Anything that resonates, it sticks with you. Then you’re like, ‘I have to have it’ because it’s like a beautiful dream.”

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EarthQuaker Devices Meets Tame Impala's Cameron Avery

Guest User

"I want to make a love song that's like when Arnold Schwarzenegger has to kill himself at the end of Terminator." - Cameron Avery

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EarthQuaker Session: Relaxer - "The Warlord"

Aaron Rogers

In addition to being the EarthQuaker Devices house band, Relaxer may very well be the world’s first (and only) “Passive Progressive” rock band. I don’t know what it means, either...

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EarthQuaker Session: The Beyonderers - "Science Friction"

Aaron Rogers

Akron, Ohio gets a lot of credit for being LeBron James’ hometown. More impressive still is the fact that we’re also home to the world’s heaviest surf band, The Beyonderers. Not too shabby considering Lake Erie is our only surfable body of water. Put a championship ring on that, why don’t you?

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EarthQuaker Session: Kaitlin Wolfberg - "Lazy Bones"

Aaron Rogers

Kaitlin Wolfberg’s violin transcends time and space. The prominent Los Angeles-based musican (whose recording credits include spots on albums by Dweezil Zappa and The dB’s) was kind enough to dazzle us with this performance of her tune “Lazy Bones,” recorded live at Juan Alderete’s 5 Starr Sound Labs...

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Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 3 - Taka Tozawa (Deltron 3030)

Aaron Rogers

We caught up with Deltron 3030 guitarist Taka Tozawa at his rehearsal studio in a former naval base in San Francisco’s Bay View area to drool over his gargantuan collection of vintage Marshall amps and cabinets, including no fewer than three 8x10 cabs, and one “holy-grail” JTM-45... There’s not always room in the van (or trailer, or bus) for multiple Marshall full-stacks, so Taka counts on his Speaker Cranker overdrive to nail those cranked vintage amp tones on rented backline equipment.

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Tech Talk with Joe Golden: The Diatonic Major Scale

Joe Golden

Most Western music is comprised of 12 tones or notes. I always think of them of as ingredients in a recipe. Each tone responsible for lending its flavor to the dish. To be less hippy-dippy about it, each note has a relationship with the other notes in the scale, and some are tasty when paired...

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Board to Death Ep. 3 - Nick Reinhart (Tera Melos, Big Walnuts Yonder)

Aaron Rogers

We met up with Tera Melos / Big Walnuts Yonder guitar wrangler Nick Reinhart at Juan Alderete’s 5 Starr Sound Labs to dig into a few of his favorite settings on the Bit Commander, Transmisser, and Avalanche Run. As if having killer guitar chops weren’t enough, Reinhart has made a name for himself as a tone-tweaker conjuring expressive and bizarre sounds from any pedal he touches. Today is no different...

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EarthQuaker Session: Chelsea Wolfe - "Survive"

Aaron Rogers

“I think pedals in general helped me find my sound,” says Chelsea Wolfe.

When we visited Chelsea Wolfe at the Sargent House compound in Los Angeles last summer, we were awestruck by the striations of ugliness and beauty in her song “Survive.” And the volume. Lots and lots of volume. Each chord she plays and every note she sings hangs heavy and thick in the dry desert air like a cluster of tiny rainclouds gathering moisture, waiting to release thunder and lightning upon meeting a pocket of warm sky...

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New Monthly Feature! Aaron's Bass Hole - Overdrive

Aaron Rogers

What's up, nerds? Welcome to Aaron's Bass Hole! This is a new monthly feature on where I'll answer the question, "So what does it sound like on bass?..."


Here at EQD, we don't really think of pedals as just "guitar pedals" or "bass pedals..."

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